The Moment of Being (2023)  stoneware and engobe 
Work in Progress
​​​​​​​The moment of a loved one's passing is an inexplicable moment to bear witness to. There is nothing that moment does not contain.

It is infinity compressed to a pinpoint.
Every emotion,
every memory,
every feeling experienced throughout existence, felt 
all at once,
as though combined from all beings throughout time. 
And it is,
at once, the sudden removal
of all of those things. 
An echo of vital energy, imploded and exploded.
While there remains no accurate way to put that into words, this piece is an attempt at feeling my way through my father's death. Holding the energy of it in embodied memory. Its title speaks to the glimpse at that precise moment which contains both our existence and our lack of existence, in objective subjectivity... or subjective objectivity... 

Still unfired with ideas for finishes swirling in my head. Nothing could ever appropriately represent this, but I feel compelled to try.
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